************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ DATA FROM DNS OF IMPINGING SHOCK WAVE BOUNDARY LAYER INTERACTION WITH HEAT TRANSFER(M = 2.28) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ This directory contains files where Favre averages are stored. These fields are two-dimensional, being the flow statistically homogeneous in the span-wise direction. Files are directly readable by Tecplot. The parameters of the simulation are Free-stream Mach number ====> M = 2.28 Incidence angle of the shock generator ====> phi = 8 degree gamma = 1.4 Favre averages are stored in formatted files named "favre_s.dat", which also contains grid coordinates. The index "s" refers to the applied wall-to- recovery-temperature ratio, i.e. s = 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.4, 1.9. The DNS domain consists of nx=6144 X ny=448 points uniformly distributed in the x direction and clustered towards the wall. A subdomain focused on the interaction zone is written in the files. Files can be read as ************************************************************** FORTRAN CODE ************************************************************** open(unit=12,file='favre_s.dat',form='formatted') read(12,*) do j=1,jmax do i=1,imax read(12,*) (favre(i,j,l),l=1,13) enddo enddo close (12) ************************************************************** where imax, jmax are 3001, 284 respectively for s =0.5, 0.75 and 1610, 230 for s =1, 1.4, 1.9. The order of variables in the array favre is the following m variable ------------ 1 x* 2 y* 3 rho 4 u 5 v 6 p 7 T 8 u'' u '' 9 v'' v '' 10 w'' w '' 11 u'' v '' 12 u'' T '' 13 v'' T '' where x* is the streamwise coordinate, with origin at the inviscid shock impingement point, and y* the wall-normal coordinate. u, v, w are the velocity components and rho, p, T are density, pressure and temperature respectively. The double prime '' indicates fluctuations with respect to the Favre averaging. All variables are nondimensional. The reference length is taken to be the thickness of the incoming undisturbed boundary layer. The reference density, pressure, temperature and velocity are taken to be the free-stream values.