************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ DATA FROM DNS OF IMPINGING SHOCK WAVE BOUNDARY LAYER INTERACTION WITH HEAT TRANSFER 10 / 03 / 2017 ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ The parameters of the simulation are Free-stream Mach number ====> M = 2.28 Incidence angle of the shock generator ====> phi = 8 degree gamma = 1.4 Five different wall-to-recovery temperature ratios: s = 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.4 and 1.9 Files "wallstat_s*.dat" are simple ascii files where wall properties are reported as a function of the streamwise coordinate. They can be read as ************************************************************** FORTRAN CODE ************************************************************** open(unit=12,file='wallstat_s*.dat',form='formatted') do i=1,nx read(12,*) (a(i,l),l=1,5) enddo close (12) ************************************************************** where array a contains the following variables m variable ------------ 1 x* (scaled streamwise coordinate) 2 cf (skin friction) 3 pw (mean wall pressure) 4 pwrms (root-mean-square of wall pressure fluctuations) 5 St (stanton number) The reference length is the boundary layer thickness in the undisturbed boundary layer. The origin of the streamwise direction is at the nominal shock impingiment point. !!!! ATTENTION !!!! Stanton number is not provided for the case with s = 1.